I have created this blog to help you succeed by making your goals a lifestyle change and to give you ideas that will educate and help motivate you. My blog is written based on my experiences and things that I have tried and researched to helped me reach my health and fitness goals.

Friday, December 24, 2010

6 Exercise Tips For Women | Lifescript.com

I liked what this article had to say....I hope you do to!

6 Exercise Tips For Women Lifescript.com


Exercise, it's not just good for your body, it's also good for your mind!
When you workout regularly you most likely will not feel as stressed, depressed or anxious, in turn you won't eat!
So get moving, 30 minutes is all I ask and you can to that in three 10 minute work outs if you want, just get moving you will feel better!


You hear it all the time drink more water, and more water, well our bodies are about 60 to 70 percent water. So that means our blood is mostly water and our muscles, lungs and brain contain a lot of water too. Water also regulates our body temperature and its a way for the nutrients to travel through our bodies, as well as getting rid of waste..... you get the picture Its important!

So as you are running around this holiday season make sure you drink your water!

Staying hydrated by drinking water will help increase your energy and assist in fighting fatigue!

Signs of mild dehyration include.....chronic pain in joints and muscles, low back pain, headaches, and constipation.

Also research has been telling me that if you drink a glass of water right before a meal you will eat less, because the water takes up room in your stomach hence you will eat less!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Changing of the Clock

Having trouble adjusting to the new time.....
Here is a link with some tips to help!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”

~~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Health of the U.S.

Percent of Obese (BMI > 30) in U.S. Adults

Monday, April 19, 2010

Next time you are watching tv and one of those diet informercials comes on and you think WOW I should try that.....NO you shouldn't, ask yourself this first: If this could really make me loose 10lbs in 10 days why isn't everyone using it and loosing weight? You might loose the weight but once you are not doing the program you will more than likely gain it back! You dont gain all your weight in one day or even a week how can you loose it all in a short amount of time?
Small goals, eating foods that are better for you , and exercising just a few minutes longer will get you the results you want. And dont forget when you reach your goal, reward yourself, who doesn't love a pedicure or new pair of shoes!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

As you proceed toward you goals keep your motivation in mind so you will be able to stick to your decision to become fit. The first steps to becoming healthy are up to you, make it a part of your regular routine so you just do it, it is also good to have support, you will have a better chance of succeeding!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Motivation, sometimes it's hard to find it.
My daughter found hers again, so that means that she will be utilizing the program I designed for her, I know she will love it and will reach her goals.
Stop and think what is motivating me to work out?
Do I want to be healthier, is there an underlying health issue making it necessary, do I just want to look and feel better, what ever it is know that you can reach your goals!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Well today I am another year older, all the more reason to be in the best shape I can be!
And to be able to learn how to help others be in the best shape they can be in is amazing, I am so happy that I choose a new career path and that I am attending National Personal Training Institute.
Always remember there are no shortcuts to successful weight control it requires hard work and strong motivation!