I have created this blog to help you succeed by making your goals a lifestyle change and to give you ideas that will educate and help motivate you. My blog is written based on my experiences and things that I have tried and researched to helped me reach my health and fitness goals.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Resolution……..a resolve or determination: to make a firm decision to do something

So what do most of us do wait till the beginning of the year to make that resolution to loose weight and then stick with it for a few weeks then life gets in the way………. How about breaking this cycle and do something that will be affective for you and your body now!

People usually stop working out this time of year and focus on the “holidays” and then use the excuse that they will be starting in January and they1 are going to make some changes with their exercise and nutrition routine. Not gonna work so well!
Family and work functions increase the holiday goodies that are put on display, but that doesn't mean that meals outside of these functions can’t be full of good nutrition. It is ok to indulge in small amounts, someone always brings something healthy and you can too!

Here is a crazy thought, step outside the box and make your resolution now! Why wait and give yourself more work to do later, start right now with a firm and scheduled routine. Make the right food choices now and you won't feel so bad later You don’t need a lot of equipment or a gym; you could even use a workout DVD! Just get moving!
Guaranteed you will be more happy with yourself through the holidays and will step into the New Year already a new person!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

“There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.” -Kenneth Blanchard

Monday, August 8, 2011

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer now that it finally here I think, its not been very warm!!
I hope that everyone is drinking enough water throughout the few hot days, it is a vital part of our well being! Remember your body is 2/3 water and it depends on water to function properly, even mild dehydration can reduce blood flow to your organs, slow your brain and sap your energy, so drink up!!
Dont like water so much, well summer is a great time to add berries, you can also add lemon, limes, cucumbers, ginger all will give it a new taste hopefully getting you to drink up!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Spot Reduction Myth

Contrary to what the infomercials suggest there is no such thing as spot reduction. I know you really want to belive it! Fat is lost throughout the body in a pattern dependent upon genetics, sex (hormones), and age. Overall body fat must be reduced to lose fat in any particular area. Although fat is lost or gained throughout the body it seems the first area to get fat, or the last area to become lean, is the midsection (in men and some women, especially after menopause) and hips and thighs (in women and few men). Sit-ups, crunches, leg-hip raises, leg raises, hip adduction, hip abduction, etc. will only exercise the muscles under the fat.You need to work you whole body, squats, lunges, jumping jacks, mountain climbers and the list can go on and on! So forget about crunches and situps, work you whole body and breath and you will work your core along with the rest of your body!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Food Pyramid

Here is a link you should check out!

"We are all accountable for ourselves. Think of yourself as a precious commodity, and then protect your investment each day."

Monica Brant


Just because there is not a new post on this page that doesnt mean I havent posted something on one of the other pages so make sure you checkout each page!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Enjoyed the sunshine with a walk today, hope you were able to get out and get some of that great vitamin D!

Friday, April 15, 2011


I know that I have talked about water before.....I feel that it is an important part of ones life so here I go again.....
Your body is made up of about 2/3 water making it the most important nutrient in the body. Professionals typically say to drink eight 8 oz. glasses of water a day that is the minimal amount your body needs. A sweaty workout can make your body lose between 2-8 pounds of water an hour, requiring the need of 4-16 cups of water to replenish what you lost. Besides needing water to keep from getting dehydrated, water is very important for everyday body function:
~helps maintain the bodies temperature
~becomes a protective cushion around important organs
~helps circulate nutrients
~helps to lubricate joints
~Enzymes cannot function without water
~helps to break down and remove toxins from the body
~Not having enough water for the major organs can cause infection.

The amount of water intake needed has a lot to do with how active you are too. Vital organs use much of the water consumed for daily function, if you are sweating out a lot of water through activity, it is really important to replace it so you body continues to run smoothly

So remember hydrate before a workout and rehydrate after a workout. There is no replacement for water, sports drinks, coffee, soda, none of these come close in comparison to the value of WATER!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”

~~ Edward Stanley ~~

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.
Abraham Lincoln


Ok so the questions I keep getting most are:
How do I get motivated?
How do I stay motivated?
I love to work out it makes me feel good, but I have days that are hard too, especially if I am busy.
What gets me back on track and or keeps me there, I have goals, short term and long term.
They are not huge like running the Boston Marathon or anything close to that, but realistic goals for me!
When my grandchildren come to me and say lets go for a bike ride, I want to be able to tell them "lets go" not sorry I can't.
Health wise I am healthy, but that can be a goal for you....do you have high blood pressure, diabetes, eating right and exercising regularly can help.
Just keep it realistic for yourself, you cant loose 10 pounds in a week like the infomercials claim, its not healthy. You can however loose 10 pounds in a month.
So start thinking about what you WANT you CAN achieve it!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How much are you eating?

So now that we know the meaning of diet, how much you eat and what you eat are key factors in this new lifestyle you have choosen!
In this supersized world we now live in it is hard to get served the proper amount of food you should be consuming at that meal.
Here are some tips for eating smaller portions:
use a smaller plate
weigh your food (yes a lot of work at first, but with time you will be a better judge)
eating out, ask for a box with your meal and put half in the box first
share the meal there will still be left overs!
and maybe try eating more often so you are not starving and want to eat everything you see!

And of course drink your water!!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Diet the meaning of!

Ok so what does that big bad word really mean!
Here is what I found in some dictionaries......

Diet (nutrition), the sum of the food consumed by an organism or group.

Dieting, the deliberate selection of food to control body weight or nutrient intake

Definition of DIET
food and drink regularly provided or consumed, habitual nourishment, the kind and amount of food prescribed for a person or animal for a special reason, a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one's weight “going on a diet”

diet /di•et/ (di´it) the customary amount and kind of food and drink taken by a person from day to day; more narrowly, a diet planned to meet specific requirements of the individual, including or excluding certain foods.

balanced diet one containing foods which furnish all the nutritive factors in proper proportion for adequate nutrition.

My definition, eating foods that contain the nutrition that I need to function through out the day. I eat 5 or 6 small meals a day. Breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, dinner, a snack. You dont have to eat icky food, check out my recipe tab for some great, healthy recipes!

I eat healthy, its a choice I have made, do I miss not eating healthy NO, I get my sugar from fruits, (it realy does work), but there are occasions I have a treat. But if you really want to be healthy and stay healthy you have to eat well and exercise, and not be random about it, again it is a lifestlye to live this way one I have choosen to feel my best! So dont think of it as dieting think of is as eating to feel and be your best!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I have a question for you, what is motivating you to change your lifestyle?
Is it health reasons, just because, or you want to feel better?
Whatever the reason is you need to make a plan, set goals for yourself.
Long term and short term goals are important for you to make this lifestyle change because it truly is a lifestyle change!

Remember your water!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
Jim Ryun

Always starving?

When did you eat last and what did you eat?
I find that if I eat breakfast and several more small meals throughout the day I am not as hungry if I skip meals or eat a couple of huge meals.
Make sure you eat nutrient rich foods that don't have a ton of calories.
I like oatmeal and berries for breakfast, then I have a snack of almonds and an apple before lunch.
And of course don't forget your water!
my recipe page has lots of good recipes and will have lots more as I keep trying new ones!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Loosing weight

Loosing weight can help you in so many aspects of your life. Not only will you feel better and look better, you can also decrease your risk of getting diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.
So get moving!