I have created this blog to help you succeed by making your goals a lifestyle change and to give you ideas that will educate and help motivate you. My blog is written based on my experiences and things that I have tried and researched to helped me reach my health and fitness goals.

Monday, August 8, 2011

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer now that it finally here I think, its not been very warm!!
I hope that everyone is drinking enough water throughout the few hot days, it is a vital part of our well being! Remember your body is 2/3 water and it depends on water to function properly, even mild dehydration can reduce blood flow to your organs, slow your brain and sap your energy, so drink up!!
Dont like water so much, well summer is a great time to add berries, you can also add lemon, limes, cucumbers, ginger all will give it a new taste hopefully getting you to drink up!!